Condominium Insurance Claims Attorneys in Louisiana

Experienced representation for condo owners and HOAs in the Southeast and Gulf Coast

When you live in a condominium, insurance issues get complicated. Condos aren’t like homes or businesses, which tend to be freestanding and separate buildings. With a condo, you and your neighbors have common parking, landscaping, stairs, pools, and all-purpose rooms. Units are attached to each other, and if one unit suffers significant damage, it can affect all the units around it.

If you need help untangling a condo insurance matter, the Louisiana insurance dispute attorneys at Warhurst Law can help. We know the difference between individual condo owner claims and homeowner association (HOA) claims, and protect the rights of policyholders. Firm founder Gene Warhurst puts his previous experience as an insurance claims adjuster to work for you to ensure you’re treated fairly throughout the claims process. And if you’re not, our team will fight for you.

What makes condo insurance coverage different than homeowner coverage?

Condos and houses are similar in that you own them and are responsible for what happens to them. However, there are some key differences between the two in terms of insurance coverage. For example, when you purchase a home, you’re responsible for what happens to the inside, the outside, and the land where your home sits. With a condo, you’re usually only responsible for what happens inside your four walls. Common areas, like the outside of the building and parking lots, are owned by you and your fellow condo owners and insured through your HOA.

Don’t rely on your HOA to provide coverage for any damage or losses – you should always have your own separate condo insurance policy, and most mortgage lenders won’t work with you unless you have one.