Tornado Insurance Dispute Lawyer in Louisiana

Helping you repair and rebuild after tornadoes across the state and in the Gulf Coast

Tornadoes can develop quickly, seemingly out of nowhere, and cause massive devastation to anything in their paths. Classified as a wind event in most homeowners insurance policies, tornadoes and resulting damage should be covered. However, you may have deductibles or other details in the fine print that could cause your claim to be denied or cost much more than you thought.

In 2019, Louisiana ranked sixth in the nation for number of tornadoes, with 97 recorded and three fatalities. In fact, Louisiana is located in what’s called “Dixie Alley,” a tornado-prone area which encompasses eastern Texas and Arkansas across Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and parts of Missouri. If your home or business suffered damage in a tornado, your insurance company should be there to help you get back on your feet and back in your home.

If they deny or delay your claim, the Louisiana insurance dispute attorneys at Warhurst Law are here to advocate for you. We’ll launch an investigation into your claim, negotiate with the company, and, if necessary, litigate on your behalf. Our attorneys have secured millions of dollars for our clients, including an additional $2.37 million for a commercial policyholder who was originally offered $50,000. Let us help you, too.